About our cats
On our website, you will find information on the Manx and Desert Lynx breeds, see some of our kittens for sale, meet our studs & queens, and hopefully find the kitten you are looking for.
We have been raising Manx cats for about 10 years, after 4 years of ownership and discovering the uniqueness of the breed. Manx aren’t just tailless cats, they are an extremely bright, energetic and loving cat. When you buy a kitten from us, you will get a kitten that has been well socialized; they are acclimated to horses, dogs, and general barn noise, and they have had their first shots.
The parents have all been tested Leukemia-free, they are box-trained, wormed, and flea treated with Advantage. They are raised in a country farm setting & have had lots of loving care before they are adopted out to you & your home.